Uggghhhhhh .....please pray for my beloved Lakers ...smh ...they are struggling this
year. But at least my Gators have had a wonderful season ...I still have
that to fall back on =)
Wow!! Another year has flown by ...TODAY, I'm in reflective mode: Actually .....I've been told I tend to stay in that mode ...nevertheless ...gosh, I'm just thankful to be alive!! ...something that, on occasion, I tend to take for granted. But today, I'm thankful!
So let's see....I have one album under my belt and have spent the last 3 years doing something that I thought would be extremely hard to do ...'very little work in the studio. It's crazy because after I released my album in 2009, I thought it would be best to tuck away and "hide" ...something that's contrary to what an artist typically does when an album is released. Usually there's an entire year full of promotions, appearances, and singing, etc. But what did I do? I rested ;) for 3 years ...and it's felt so good.
I realize the time off was necessary to re-examine some things in my life and be sure my heart/intentions for making music remained pure ...PURITY ...non-contaminated by anything!! ..and today, my intentions remain the same give God the glory.
Oftentimes when we are called to do something, the details of that calling are overlooked because parts of the end are revealed ... yet it's the in-between that God MUST clean and/or perfect ...the pride, the selfishness, the intentions of the heart, the fear, the inadequacy ...that's the part that's necessary in order for the end to be manifested in its entirety. That's where I want to be ...always in a place to hear from the Lord for specific instructions, in a local body where I'm being fed, around mature Christians who hold me accountable, and content in my current circumstance ...that place that yields peace in all things.
I'm encouraged today because God lives!! ...I'll be heading back to the studio next year!! ...Actually, I need to purchase another computer keyboard because my other one decided to die due to corroded batteries :/ In the meantime, I'm reminded of what a radio personality recently told me: In everything, there is time and season patient. Although "My Heart is After You" is 3 years old, I believe the music is still penetrating hearts today!
Until next time!
Pursuing Truth,
“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”