finished watching a clip of Oprah's Life Class ...unfortunately Oprah,
teaching something to a creation by attempting to invalidate the
Creator, in fact, invalidates you!! ...friends, please heed to sound
advice/doctrine ...please don't be fooled by these New Age messages that
attempt to reinvent a doctrine void of God ...they aren't even
authentic ...just a hodge podge of ideals, with hints of large words and
rhetoric that "sound" good and "okay" ...if scripture doesn't validate
it, it's just as true/real as a purple unicorn ...we're living in a time
where "messengers" will attempt to take the place of God ...and they'll
use enablers (famous people: preachers, entertainers, etc.) to validate
their lies ...we can do nothing without the God of Genesis 1:1 (John
15:5)... The Bible speaks about these end times, people becoming lovers
of themselves (II Timothy 3:2), doing whatever they want to do, seeking
God's glory! The "New Age" message is a message that provides the
liberty to live a life without boundaries ...anything goes ...but in the
end, there will be destruction ...God never signed off on "anything
goes" ...He's a God of order who has given us instructions for life
...to do things His way ...and anyone speaking on how to live this life
should reference and give credit to Him! ...they do it in secular
research ALLLLL the time ...give credit to THE source ....go with the
Lord ...please, go with Jesus! ...smh ...Happy Friday!!! ...
Pursuing Truth,
“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”