I learned some interesting things about planting
yesterday ...'had a few dead spots in my lawn ...did some research and
went to Lowes!! 'Never thought I'd be like the old people in the garden
section looking for stuff ...lol...Anyways, I needed the following:
topsoil, seed, fertilizer, and pines straw.
So topsoil is basically the
soft earth that covers the hard ground that the grass is having a hard
time growing through (that's why it's dead) ...the seeds are grass seeds
...the fertilizer or water starts the growth, and the pine straw is the
last layer as it seals the moisture and protects the seed from the
birds and the scorch of the sun.
So then,
what's the spiritual revelation? All 5 layers are necessary ...the hard
ground is our FLESH!! That's why we've got to be careful not to sow
into it because it yields death!! While it's hard for things to grow out
of it, it's still important because it provides a starting point and
roots still need to get through it...however, it must be broken up
(pride) ...not with a rake but with a shovel!! This is the part we don't
like to deal with!! I got blisters in my hands trying to break through
that clay!! It's not easy but it's necessary before you add topsoil
Grace is Jesus!! It's what's already been provided for us
...that's why we must come to Jesus broken to our flesh before we can
receive grace (topsoil). Then you have the seed (WORD) ...no Word, no
growth! The seed goes into the good ground (topsoil), not the broken
ground. Next? Fertilizer or water (FAITH) ...grace and faith
must work hand and hand (Ephesians 2:8). If you don't believe in what's already been
provided for you, the seed is simply dry seed in the ground; it needs
help to kick it into action.
The last layer ...pine straw (God), which protects
from the birds, the scorch of the sun, and seals moisture. This layer is the pivotal because it
covers everything else ...it protects and it seals. "God will watch
over His word to ensure it performs" (Jeremiah 1:12).
ALL 5 layers are
essential to manifestation! So now, once the roots begin to spout, they
will begin to burrow through the ground that had to be broken up. This
is what causes us to act right and live right!!... The Word of God
taking root!!...not our performance but the Word. This is also what
causes manifestation of the BLESSING (Genesis 1:28) in every area of our lives
...finances, relationships, health, etc.
flesh/pride/unforgiving (hard ground), receiving everything God has for us by grace/Jesus
(topsoil), hearing/reading the Word (seed), continuing to hear the
word/staying around believers or good company/listening to music that
glorifies God/speaking life (fertilizer/water), and allowing God to be
God/hiding in Him/finding security and rest in Him (pine straw) allll working
together, yield growth!!
'Things aren't working out? I've had to evaluate
my sowing process on occasion. Have I forgiven? Or am I still holding
on to pride? Have I received God's grace or am I still beating myself up
from my past? Do I live life as though I have to work to deserve
things? Or do I live to in God's grace receiving all He has for me? Have I spent time in the Word? Or do I stay busy doing other
things? What seeds am I sowing??? Am I consistent with my prayer life?
Who am I hanging around? What music am I listening to? Last, do I allow
God to protect me? Do I rest in Him? Do I acknowledge Him as God or do I try to do things
on my own??
God loves us so much y'all! I want to encourage you today!
God is with you always, but He's a God of order and can't go against His Word. Are you prepared to sow
If it's not working, then we must re-evaluate!!
GOD (pine straw)
FAITH (fertilizer/water)
WORD (seed)
GRACE (topsoil)
FLESH (hard ground)
Love y'all!!
Pursuing Truth,
“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”
Welcome to my blog's new look! Thank God for pound cake, the Florida Gators, and Jesus =) Enjoy!
Friday, June 6, 2014
Pride: The Silent Killer
Essence of The Pride of Life: anything that exalts itself above the
Word of God or brings attention and glory to self!
If it screams, "look
at me", then we're likely walking in pride. Pride starts everyday with,
"What do I want to do?" and ends everyday with "what have I
accomplished". Pride is self-centered, it boasts in
intelligence/knowledge but lacks wisdom.
Pride is dangerous because it
is unassuming. For the believer, it wraps itself in scripture or Jesus'
name but the foundation/heart is always self. Pride seeks the applause
of man because it is also a byproduct of deficiency. It boasts to
"cover" insecurities or lack. Pride says, "I'm good" and convinces one
that their intelligence and their way of doing things will sustain them.
Since pride is void of God, pride breeds discontentment.
Pride is ineffective because it begins and ends with "I". Pride refuses
to change and rejects order/authority. Pride is selfish and often says,
"I've got to do this, this, and this to get ahead" vs trusting God.
Pride pursues vainglory and rejects truth. Pride demands attention,
reeks entitlement, and causes one to be self-absorbed (wants others to
feel sorry for them). Pride doesn't necessarily equate to arrogance
(although it's a byproduct) but often dresses itself in humility. Pride
always leads with "I" with the expectation that everyone else must
follow the needs/wants of your "I".
Antidote to pride? Christ-centered
...eyes off of "us". Our lives no longer belong to us for they have been
bought with a price. Ever said, "because I want to" regardless of
seeking God's best? Humility begins every day with, "Lord, what will you
have me to do?" and ends every day with, "Did I bring God glory
Humility breeds contentment. While humility doesn't mean we lay
down and accept anything, it teaches us to walk in the Spirit
(Galatians 5:22). Humility also checks us when we begin to walk in
pride. Humility breeds boldness ...in Christ and an effective and
prosperous life. Likewise, Christians yield good fruit.
Does the life
you live draw people to Christ ...or to you??? Straight up ...effective
ministry must begin with self-denial. I'm.dying.daily...it's a process.
Love y'all!

Pursuing Truth,
“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”
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