Friday, June 6, 2014

Pride: The Silent Killer

The Essence of The Pride of Life: anything that exalts itself above the Word of God or brings attention and glory to self! 

If it screams, "look at me", then we're likely walking in pride. Pride starts everyday with, "What do I want to do?" and ends everyday with "what have I accomplished". Pride is self-centered, it boasts in intelligence/knowledge but lacks wisdom. 

Pride is dangerous because it is unassuming. For the believer, it wraps itself in scripture or Jesus' name but the foundation/heart is always self. Pride seeks the applause of man because it is also a byproduct of deficiency. It boasts to "cover" insecurities or lack. Pride says, "I'm good" and convinces one that their intelligence and their way of doing things will sustain them. Since pride is void of God, pride breeds discontentment.

Pride is ineffective because it begins and ends with "I". Pride refuses to change and rejects order/authority. Pride is selfish and often says, "I've got to do this, this, and this to get ahead" vs trusting God. Pride pursues vainglory and rejects truth. Pride demands attention, reeks entitlement, and causes one to be self-absorbed (wants others to feel sorry for them). Pride doesn't necessarily equate to arrogance (although it's a byproduct) but often dresses itself in humility. Pride always leads with "I" with the expectation that everyone else must follow the needs/wants of your "I". 

Antidote to pride? Christ-centered ...eyes off of "us". Our lives no longer belong to us for they have been bought with a price. Ever said, "because I want to" regardless of seeking God's best? Humility begins every day with, "Lord, what will you have me to do?" and ends every day with, "Did I bring God glory today?". 

Humility breeds contentment. While humility doesn't mean we lay down and accept anything, it teaches us to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Humility also checks us when we begin to walk in pride. Humility breeds boldness Christ and an effective and prosperous life. Likewise, Christians yield good fruit. 

Does the life you live draw people to Christ ...or to you??? Straight up ...effective ministry must begin with self-denial. I''s a process. Love y'all! 

Pursuing Truth, 


“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”

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