This is the message of hope ...God's grace is NOT based on your performance but operates by what you believe!! When you believe right, you'll live right!!
Friends, our self-efforts to impress God or people have already been take care of. Sin, is no longer the problem...the problem is what we choose to (or not to) believe. Our response to the life that God intends for us to have should be, "I believe and thank you". There's nothing that we can ever do to deserve Heaven, the finer things in life, and ultimately the best God has for us. God freely gives to those who will receive. When we surrender our lives, repent (this is not mere remorse but a decision to turn away from self and sin), and accept Jesus into our lives, we're saying "I believe and thank you!"
I, Dwan Riggins, haven't been afforded the Blessing of The Lord because I get everything right ...I mess up!!..But I've learned how to believe right...and the longer I continue in God's Truth, unashamed and un-bothered by people's opinion, and trust Him with my life, those "mess-ups" will turn into triumphs! Let's live this good life, completely!"
Pursuing Truth,
Welcome to my blog's new look! Thank God for pound cake, the Florida Gators, and Jesus =) Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
The Blessing of The Lord (Instagram)
The Blessing of the Lord always brings peace, contentment, causes you to live right, and proves the power fo God by exceeding your self-efforts/natural ability. If the riches came from stealing, cheating, clubbing, working to exhaustion...causes you to miss church (because you're working 5 jobs), neglect your family, adds stress, exhorts pride, promotes self, and/or leads to poor decisions, then it's not eh Blessing of The Lord. His Blessing cause no sorrow.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Dating ...(Instagram)
Dating, I'm always fascinated with this word as it has become the buzz word for teenagers and/or older singles who are looking to mingle ;) I'll share my personal journey later but here's what I believe: (1) I believe that God has already determined our spouses (yes, He's that specific) so we don't have to guess, but we do have the power to choose ...(2) Finding God's BEST way of doing things saves time, heartache, and energy. When we've heard ONE way for so long it can falsely pose as the truth. When the truth comes along, it's often rejected as a lie.
You see, dating has been one of those things that society has encouraged for years, to the point where parents encourage it as early as 12 years old. But what does God say? I submit I Corinthians &:32, 24. The scriptures describes the responsibilities of single people ...their focus should be on pleasing the Lord. Here's what happens when we expose our children to dating: we teach them early on how to rely on their flesh. Now, I'm not condemning crushing to hell...please hear the heart of this: what I am saying is, we are encouraging our children to partake in an overly-sexualized culture. Harmless? They may never have sex, but when they break up, their intimate moments (holding hands, kissing, etc.) leads to soul ties that they can not emotionally handle. On to the next...and the cycle continues. They end up attached, distracted, and heart broken..fighting to find their identity in another girl or boy, rather than Jesus.
Here's what I suggest: encouraged friendship, always. The relationships your children should have with their peers should remain as a brother or sister ...thereby, they can learn how to resist temptation and encourage intimate relationship with Jesus rather than each other. Why have adult-like titles for someone who may or may not be your spouse? Ever heard of the dating game? That's what it ends up being, when we guess or "try the market". God's message to us? Trust Him in ALL things. I encourage teens to stay focused on the things of the Lord and enjoy life as a single youthful person! Don't grow up too fast. If you're crushing, keep it classy and remain friends.
Pursuing Truth, D.
You see, dating has been one of those things that society has encouraged for years, to the point where parents encourage it as early as 12 years old. But what does God say? I submit I Corinthians &:32, 24. The scriptures describes the responsibilities of single people ...their focus should be on pleasing the Lord. Here's what happens when we expose our children to dating: we teach them early on how to rely on their flesh. Now, I'm not condemning crushing to hell...please hear the heart of this: what I am saying is, we are encouraging our children to partake in an overly-sexualized culture. Harmless? They may never have sex, but when they break up, their intimate moments (holding hands, kissing, etc.) leads to soul ties that they can not emotionally handle. On to the next...and the cycle continues. They end up attached, distracted, and heart broken..fighting to find their identity in another girl or boy, rather than Jesus.
Here's what I suggest: encouraged friendship, always. The relationships your children should have with their peers should remain as a brother or sister ...thereby, they can learn how to resist temptation and encourage intimate relationship with Jesus rather than each other. Why have adult-like titles for someone who may or may not be your spouse? Ever heard of the dating game? That's what it ends up being, when we guess or "try the market". God's message to us? Trust Him in ALL things. I encourage teens to stay focused on the things of the Lord and enjoy life as a single youthful person! Don't grow up too fast. If you're crushing, keep it classy and remain friends.
Pursuing Truth, D.
God is Not ...(Instagram)
Society honors mortal men as God and honors God as mortal men...But let's be clear, The God of Genesis 1:1 is like no other!! He was there before the beginning and will be there after it ends ...too bib to conceptualize and too wise to fully comprehend. For those who believe on His son Jesus, God is not a genie ...we want it, we wish it, and God come through. Nor is He the homie, who we treat like a common friend. He is no our errand boy ..we make decisions and tell God to bless it. Or a temporary solution, we only talked to Him when we're in trouble. Contrary to popular believe, He's no mythical...He's real and man's opinion of Him doesn't change His sovereignty.
Friends, God wants relationship with us and He is worthy of full honor, always, and forever!! He should be worshiped as the King of all kings, not as a pop star or side piece. When we have a true revelation of God and His love for us, we'll begin to see the manifestation of His power demonstrated in our lives. Let's be sure to uphold the standard of honor He deserves.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Friends, God wants relationship with us and He is worthy of full honor, always, and forever!! He should be worshiped as the King of all kings, not as a pop star or side piece. When we have a true revelation of God and His love for us, we'll begin to see the manifestation of His power demonstrated in our lives. Let's be sure to uphold the standard of honor He deserves.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Faith vs Works (Instagram)
Does this give us the right to sin? No. Here's what sin does breeds condemnation, caused us to hide from God, thus prevents us from abiding (accepting) in God's love. Sin also has natural consequences, that destroys relationships and lives. So the aim shouldn't be to avoid sin because we don't want to fail God, but to resist temptation because we ant to stay connected (conscious) to His love. This is what Jesus meant in John 15:10 .."If you continue to obey my instructions, you will abide in My love and live on in it, just as I have obeyed my Father's instructions and live on it in His love".
You see, obeying His commandments doesn't prove our love to God, as we are incapable of keeping the book of the law in our own strength. Jesus fulfilled the law and it's only by grace and the power of God's Spirit that enables us to live the Christian life.
Pride can cause us to think we've accomplished something great in our own will when we avoid temptation. But what God wants us to know, "As long as you stay connected to me and follow my instructions, my love enables you to live the holy life." Our only requirement? Is to believe!!! Not prove to God, but believe on Jesus! This the grace that enables us to overcome ins. As the old people used say, "Thank God for Jesus!"
Pursuing Truth, D.
The Great Exchange (Instagram)
The great exchange ...a man who knew no sin chose to take our place, pay the penalty for sin, and present to us His life of's up to us to receive. Wow! There's no greater love! You see, our good works don't justify us, our wealth doesn't validate us, our intellect doesn't esteem us, and our own way doesn't deliver us. We need a Savior to restore us ...
Pursuing Truth, D.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Relevancy (Instagram)
Pop-culture is not the key to relevancy ...hearing from God is the key! If the lost have to filter through the profane to get to your message, then it weakens the potential for the power of God's Word to do what it needs to do!
Why do Christians endorse profane rappers and sexually explicit pop-artists? Because there's so much energy spent brainstorming flesh-led ideas, trying to fit in, capture an audience, be cook, liked and up-to-date that we reach at what's "popular" in attempts to remain "relevant".
My grandparents had very little secular education and no experience with pop-culture yet inspired several generations of children to grow up loving Jesus! Jesus was able to related to all walks of life because He was anointed to do so! That's what made Him powerful and engaging! Just because there's a crowd doesn't mean something is happening. We should always seek to inspire fruit that remains.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Why do Christians endorse profane rappers and sexually explicit pop-artists? Because there's so much energy spent brainstorming flesh-led ideas, trying to fit in, capture an audience, be cook, liked and up-to-date that we reach at what's "popular" in attempts to remain "relevant".
My grandparents had very little secular education and no experience with pop-culture yet inspired several generations of children to grow up loving Jesus! Jesus was able to related to all walks of life because He was anointed to do so! That's what made Him powerful and engaging! Just because there's a crowd doesn't mean something is happening. We should always seek to inspire fruit that remains.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Who Do They See? (Instagram)
When the world sees you, your Facebook page, Twitter feed, and Instagram page they see Jesus??!! Extreme? Super-deep? Assertive? Yes, yes, and yes!! ...all characteristics of Jesus ..who was passionate about the liberty of the people and the sate of the world. I'm confident in this: people are watching you! They may never double tap but God's Words are powerful enough to permeate social media and make them free!!...never be afraid of men and their faces ..seeking affirmations and likes. Your life has the capacity to impact one life ..and that one life has the capacity to impact an entire generation!! Let's gooo!! #iliveforthis #nomoreselfpromotion #wehaveworktodo
Pursuing Truth, D.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Authority protects (Instagram)
Pursuing Truth, D.
is designed to protect us. If I get pulled over for not wearing my seat belt
and receive a ticket, will my argument, "I think we should have the right
to choose seat belts or not" hold up in the court of law? Or what if I
choose to jump off of a cliff because I don't agree with the law of gravity?
Will I begin to fly? Likely not. Why? Because the law has already been
established's the final authority!
opinions about basic Biblical principles that have already been established by God
(the only god who takes full responsibility for creating the Heavens and the
Earth ..Genesis 1:1). Our personal pinions about matters of sex, marriage,
homosexuality, politics, raising children, etc. really hold no value in the
grand scheme of things. While they make for great conversations (and arguments)
in the end, what's the Final authority? ..what's right?
submit, the Bible. Its book of rules, laws, instructions or whatever we call
them are designed to protect us. He loves us enough to design sex within the
context of marriage between male and female to protect us from soul ties,
STD's, children out of wedlock, abortions, etc. Homosexuality/Lesbianism? ..God
opposes because He created male and female and loves us enough to protect us
from the dangers of this perverted relationship. Money ...He loves us enough to
warn us that the love of it is the root of all evil. These are just a few
examples and while God loves us, He can't go against His Word. So, the Bible
isn't a book of cant dos's a book of love, instruction, and protection
to show God's BEST way for living. "we all make mistakes" ..yes!!
...I do! And I'm thankful for God's grace and mercy. But we should be on a
daily conquest to find out God's BEST way of doing things.
as it is foolish for me to deny a natural law that protects me, so is it
foolish to deny God's Truth. I love yall and God cares. Please don't allow
society to trap you into the belief that "it's my life, I can do what I
want". While you are free to do what you want, you don't determine the
consequences. Set before you are life or death ...choose LIFE because God loves
you just that much!
Pursuing Truth, D.
Unashamed Gospel (Instagram)
Jesus is the hope and answer for you today! ...whatever it is, He loves you and cares about you!! I can offer you the most incredible gift from a jewelry store but it's up to you to accept it ...likewise, God has offered His son Jesus who cares about you so much that He died for every mistake, failure, sickness, and sin give you an opportunity to live an incredible life of fullness of joy, peace, and purpose no longer have to figure life out ..will you receive Him as Lord today??
Truth is, people are hurting and want answers. Even when they seem to have life figure out, money is right, etc. ...something is still missing. We can't be afraid nor ashamed to share Jesus in His purity, truth unaltered. Ambassadors of the United States represent the government of the USA. When asked their opinions, their response? "My government says..." As ambassadors of Christ, when asked opinions about basic Biblical principles, core issues of life, etc. our response? "The Bible says.." Tapping around just to appease the listener, to seem "normal" or cool, and not to offend someone is fear driven and people pleasing. Being preachy, too churchy, or deep shouldn't be our concern. Jesus ins the (only) way, truth, and LIFE and if we love someone, we'll give them the gift of life. Jesus changed my life and my testimony will never be altered to fit my surrounding. I'm not ashamed of the Gospel because I understand the power it has to bring salvation.
"People shouldn't look at me, they should look at Jesus" is a cop out! When they see you, they should see Jesus operation through you. My past nor my shortcoming don't disqualify me from the Gospel. God's grace qualifies every believer to speak His love in power and authority. Jesus' disciples shared the uncompromising Gospel even when their lives were on the line. The same is taking place oversees today! Yet we have the opportunity to share Jesus in complete freedom and we downplay Him? make Him an undertone because we ant to appeal to the masses? Jesus is still Lord and deserves to be the center of attention ...#unashamed #unaltered #unmoved #notcountingfollowers #makingdisciples
Pursuing Truth, D.
Truth is, people are hurting and want answers. Even when they seem to have life figure out, money is right, etc. ...something is still missing. We can't be afraid nor ashamed to share Jesus in His purity, truth unaltered. Ambassadors of the United States represent the government of the USA. When asked their opinions, their response? "My government says..." As ambassadors of Christ, when asked opinions about basic Biblical principles, core issues of life, etc. our response? "The Bible says.." Tapping around just to appease the listener, to seem "normal" or cool, and not to offend someone is fear driven and people pleasing. Being preachy, too churchy, or deep shouldn't be our concern. Jesus ins the (only) way, truth, and LIFE and if we love someone, we'll give them the gift of life. Jesus changed my life and my testimony will never be altered to fit my surrounding. I'm not ashamed of the Gospel because I understand the power it has to bring salvation.
"People shouldn't look at me, they should look at Jesus" is a cop out! When they see you, they should see Jesus operation through you. My past nor my shortcoming don't disqualify me from the Gospel. God's grace qualifies every believer to speak His love in power and authority. Jesus' disciples shared the uncompromising Gospel even when their lives were on the line. The same is taking place oversees today! Yet we have the opportunity to share Jesus in complete freedom and we downplay Him? make Him an undertone because we ant to appeal to the masses? Jesus is still Lord and deserves to be the center of attention ...#unashamed #unaltered #unmoved #notcountingfollowers #makingdisciples
Pursuing Truth, D.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Youth Leaders ...(Instragram)
YOUTH LEADERS, pleassseeee, I beg of you careful in using the world to make your message relevant. The very worlds that we should be trying to rescue our youth from is the same world that we can expose them to!!
Mixing the holy with the profane voids God's Word and makes it of no effect. We don't need Beyonce, Young Thug, nor Smurda (I think that's his name) to make our message powerful, relevant, and influential ...that's not creativity ...that's leaning on our own understanding.
We should be trying to win these artists to Jesus ...not enabling them nor endorsing them. When we use the profane (in any form), we also welcome the spirit behind it.
If you ask the kids, they'll tell, they want truth!! ...and they want it in it's purest form! ...Because they know the only thing that has the power to help them deal with divorce, molestation, insecurity, etc. is something that is all.the.way.real...not something bottled up in profane lyrics and sayings. That method may lead to fruit, but not fruit that remains!!!
With the vile and evil things they are exposed to on a daily basis, we can't afford to expose them any long. God has called us to be different, set apart and its our responsibility to pull them out of the darkness and expose them to the light!!
Since when do we get our cues from an evil, God-rejecting world? Ask God for His words of hope to feed our kids ...not what you think will get their attention. While its our responsibility to help them guard their hearts, wallow Jesus to CAPTURE THEIR HEARTS!!
When an 8 year old freely walks up to give his life The Lord, or is eager to go to Bible Study, I know THE WORD WORKS. WE DON"T NEED TO REVAMP THE GOSPEL!! #stayintheBible #adultshavetobemoreresposnbile #dontexposethemtotheprofane #exposethemtopurefiathinJesus
Pursuing Truth, D.
Mixing the holy with the profane voids God's Word and makes it of no effect. We don't need Beyonce, Young Thug, nor Smurda (I think that's his name) to make our message powerful, relevant, and influential ...that's not creativity ...that's leaning on our own understanding.
We should be trying to win these artists to Jesus ...not enabling them nor endorsing them. When we use the profane (in any form), we also welcome the spirit behind it.
If you ask the kids, they'll tell, they want truth!! ...and they want it in it's purest form! ...Because they know the only thing that has the power to help them deal with divorce, molestation, insecurity, etc. is something that is all.the.way.real...not something bottled up in profane lyrics and sayings. That method may lead to fruit, but not fruit that remains!!!
With the vile and evil things they are exposed to on a daily basis, we can't afford to expose them any long. God has called us to be different, set apart and its our responsibility to pull them out of the darkness and expose them to the light!!
Since when do we get our cues from an evil, God-rejecting world? Ask God for His words of hope to feed our kids ...not what you think will get their attention. While its our responsibility to help them guard their hearts, wallow Jesus to CAPTURE THEIR HEARTS!!
When an 8 year old freely walks up to give his life The Lord, or is eager to go to Bible Study, I know THE WORD WORKS. WE DON"T NEED TO REVAMP THE GOSPEL!! #stayintheBible #adultshavetobemoreresposnbile #dontexposethemtotheprofane #exposethemtopurefiathinJesus
Pursuing Truth, D.
Lack of Knowledge (Instagram)
God knew that His Word would be the foundation to life ...and when it's not present in our lives, destruction is the end result: divorce, broken marriages/homes, senseless deaths, famine, even catastrophic weather (yest eh weather) ...because the integrity of the The Word and our existence are held together by God's Word. it's just that powerful!
So when our homes are void of God's Word, destruction is imminent. Schools void of God, destruction. Marriages, destruction. Politics, destruction.
This truth is undeniable yet is rejected because we we have been tricked into believing we don't need God; a lie that causes us to be arrogant in our own abilities and intellect.
But today, I declare God' glory will be revealed in our lives, that we'll look to Him in all things and allow Him to be the final authority in our lives: that we don't be mere hearers but doers of His Word; that we won't simply believe in God but we'll study His Word and DO everything He's instructed us to do.
Jesus is Lord and I'm not ashamed of the Gospel, for it's the POWER of God unto salvation, to everyone who believes ...
Romans 1:16 ...oooo, God is just that good!!!
Pursuing Truth, D.
So when our homes are void of God's Word, destruction is imminent. Schools void of God, destruction. Marriages, destruction. Politics, destruction.
This truth is undeniable yet is rejected because we we have been tricked into believing we don't need God; a lie that causes us to be arrogant in our own abilities and intellect.
But today, I declare God' glory will be revealed in our lives, that we'll look to Him in all things and allow Him to be the final authority in our lives: that we don't be mere hearers but doers of His Word; that we won't simply believe in God but we'll study His Word and DO everything He's instructed us to do.
Jesus is Lord and I'm not ashamed of the Gospel, for it's the POWER of God unto salvation, to everyone who believes ...
Romans 1:16 ...oooo, God is just that good!!!
Pursuing Truth, D.
Youth: Capturing the Heart (Instagram)
His Word works and endures throughout all generations, always and forever ...I Peter 1:25, Isaiah 40:8
Pursuing Truth, D.
Pursuing Truth, D.
Fear vs Faith (Instagram)
Ever wonder why the media is always negative? Its purpose is to keep you in fear which leads to unbelief, worry, doubt, unnecessary spending ("what if" insurance), oppression, and depression.
If you read (watch, listen) to it long enough you'll begin believing the lies and garbage they sell...causing you to be afraid to raise you children in this evil world, afraid of losing your job, afraid of people (pleasing), and hesitant to believe the Bible.
What are you fearful of today? Whatever it is, know that God doesn't want you fearful, but living in power, love, and stable in your mind (I Timothy 1:7).
He loves you and it's His LOVE (faith-confidence in God) that drives out FEAR!! #Jesusfirst
Pursuing Truth, D.
If you read (watch, listen) to it long enough you'll begin believing the lies and garbage they sell...causing you to be afraid to raise you children in this evil world, afraid of losing your job, afraid of people (pleasing), and hesitant to believe the Bible.
What are you fearful of today? Whatever it is, know that God doesn't want you fearful, but living in power, love, and stable in your mind (I Timothy 1:7).
He loves you and it's His LOVE (faith-confidence in God) that drives out FEAR!! #Jesusfirst
Pursuing Truth, D.
HONOR (Instagram)
Honor opens the door for good success!! Adults are subject to honoring too. Honor God, PARENTS (being "grown" does not exempt us from this principle), supervisors, etc.
Honor does not make us weak; it empowers us. Struggling in life? Things not working out? Check who you are choosing to disHONOR...
Pursuing Truth, D.
It.Is.Finished!! (Instagram)
These "things" are wonderful but should supplement, not take the place of, the Word of God. The biggest trick satan has masterfully and skillfully played is convincing creation that we can live void of the Word of God. He has inundate us with "things" that occupy our attention and time and consumed us with stress and consumerism to prevent us from knowing truth.
Fear has devoured faith as we attempt to find solutions in everything else, yet we fail to take the time to read the very thing that brings us LIFE, clarity, and instructions.
Friends, going to church is not enough. Believing in God is only part of it. Praising God for your breakthrough wont' cut it. Quoting other people is not the answer. Chasing money will never satisfy. Human intellect will son fade. Because God ONLY responds to His Word!! How then can we related to God without speaking His language?
We are seeing the result of two generations of children who don't go to church, they are struggling for answers as they lack identity, respect for authority, and true life. We ensure they go to school, play sports, and text/play video games all day but while the Word of God is absent in their lives, there is an enemy at work who is capturing their attention and ultimately their hearts.
But God's Word is the solution. Back to the basics when reading the Bible was like drinking water, necessary. God loves us and desires to fellowship with us, today!!
It's time to study His Word to know Him for ourselves, so we are able to demonstrate powerful godliness versus simply having a form of it!
John 1:1, Proverbs 4:7, II Timothy 3:5
Pursuing Truth, D.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Musical Absolutes (Instagram)
8 Absolutes
."..and I do it all to bring Him glory..."
8 Absolutes
- God is the ONLY muscial genius...period!
- Lucifer/satan is a counterfeit, lacks creativity, steals, and perverts.
- Both (God and satan) are still masters of music.
- Singers, musicians, producers, adn writers must choose daily who their master will be.
- A musician's soul (mind, will, emotions) will ALWAYS follow their music.
- Music if founded in the supernatural; it cannot be created by mortal men; only duplicated.
- Music is the only thing that has the power to enter your heart without your consent.
- A musician's music is ALWAYS a direct reflection of the master they give honor to...
."..and I do it all to bring Him glory..."
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