Tuesday, October 14, 2014

God is Not ...(Instagram)

Society honors mortal men as God and honors God as mortal men...But let's be clear, The God of Genesis 1:1 is like no other!! He was there before the beginning and will be there after it ends ...too bib to conceptualize and too wise to fully comprehend. For those who believe on His son Jesus, God is not a genie ...we want it, we wish it, and God come through. Nor is He the homie, who we treat like a common friend. He is no our errand boy ..we make decisions and tell God to bless it. Or a temporary solution, we only talked to Him when we're in trouble. Contrary to popular believe, He's no mythical...He's real and man's opinion of Him doesn't change His sovereignty.

Friends, God wants relationship with us and He is worthy of full honor, always, and forever!! He should be worshiped as the King of all kings, not as a pop star or side piece. When we have a true revelation of God and His love for us, we'll begin to see the manifestation of His power demonstrated in our lives. Let's be sure to uphold the standard of honor He deserves.

Pursuing Truth, D.

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