Sunday, March 15, 2015

You are the Key (Instagram)

God's love for YOU is indescribable! but you're the key! Even before Jesus can be the source, you must choose to make Him your source ...which ultimately, points back to ...are ...the key! I know, it's Adam's fault ...He started this phenomenon called, "making excuses". But friends, it's not the white man's fault, nor the black man, the President, nor the Governor. When you hear someone crediting these people for the demise of the community/world, that's someone who's looking for an excuse. It's not the Governor's responsibility to take care of you ("State workers don't get paid"), nor is it the white/black man's fault you're not successful. Jesus came to put an end to "lack", "discrimination" and, "closed doors" so there are no more excuses. 

The reason why these issues are still prevalent is because many choose to serve a god (false god, money, themselves) or don't know the love of this God who provides the benefits of God-like exemption from, these issues! Many are trying to make life work on their own, in their own strength, when things don't work out ..."I can't get a break, the government doesn't take care of me, my skin color or socioeconomic status are preventing me from getting a job, the rich is getting richer and on and on and on" ...Truth is, there is no failure in God ...Jesus came so that ALL may have life and have it more abundantly! In the end, it's about a choice that YOU must make ...if you're in "lack", check your source. Jesus wants to take care of you today all areas (finances, marriage, occupation, health, etc)! Find your resting place in Him and allow Him to order your steps!! ...steps that lead to the place called "Blessed".

I'm Free ...

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