Tuesday, December 6, 2011

God's Relay Team

Hi Friends,

I trust you're having a great month!! I'm sharing a post my brother Matt Root shared on Facebook and I though it was so encouraging. God cares =)

With God, we don't get what we deserve, we get what His Son deserved. In high school I ran track and was on the 4X400 relay team with 3 really fast dudes- two of which are in the NFL right now. I was the opposite of fast, I was slow as pancake syrup, but they had no one else to run the 2nd leg so I was picked by default. During one race at the state meet, I the 2nd leg, was given the baton with a comfortable first place lead. As I ran around the track, 8 runners past me up and I took my team from first to last- dead last. As I stumbled to give the baton to our 3rd leg guy, he caught us up to the middle of the pack while our anchor did the rest and finished us in first place! I didn't have much time to be embarrassed because everyone was giving me high fives for coming in first place- no one seemed to remember that I was the slow white guy! ...just reminds me that even when our finances are a mess, or we are discouraged that we aren't married yet or we are just flat out struggling, whatever it is remember we are on God's relay team and He is gonna see to it that we don't get what we deserve which is dead last, but He includes us in His first place finish. He chooses us to be with Him in the victory circle!! ...REPOST from Matt Root ...awesome message!!!...

Pursuing Truth,D.“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”