Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Blessed Place vs The Guessed Place

The Blessed Place vs. The Guessed Place

Can you imagine a father who truly loves his son and daughter, leaving them to face life alone? A father who doesn’t support them, nor directs them towards a beautiful fulfilled life? A father who doesn’t leave an inheritance for his children? That’s hard to imagine right? Well, why do we feel the need to help God love and take care of us? He’s a true Father! One who has already established the BEST life for those who have been accepted into the Beloved.

Grind, hustle, get money, team no sleep, think of a master plan, work 5 jobs,  network, work, work, work, and work! …only to do it all over again the next day, HOPING something good will happen. That’s a lot of guesswork, unsure of the true end to all of the hustle. How often do we see how others are supposedly prospering on social media, in our family, community, inner circle, covet what they have and WORK to try to exceed their achievements? If we’re honest with ourselves, at some point in our lives, we’ve compared ourselves to someone else because they looked as though they had it all together. Or we’ve condemned ourselves because we haven’t accomplished (by a certain age) what WE think we should have, so we end up trying new things in hope that things will work better.

The sad reality is, very few people are actually living the life they portray. Most are broke, pretenders, in debt, lonely, empty, and confused. Society has taught us that the more money we have, the more titles/degrees we own, and more people know us, the more successful we are. However, the church can’t fall into this way of thinking. Now before I go more in-depth, please understand that I am not condemning hard work, wealth, titles, nor promotions. God wants us wealthy and promoted. Why? To establish His covenant: But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day-Deuteronomy 8:18.

Merriam-Webster defines success as: the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame; the correct or desired result of an attempt. I submit that the first definition is the world’s view and the latter is God’s intention: The correct or desired result of an attempt. GOD DOESN’T MISS!! EVER!! Joshua 1:8 gives us a more in-debt look at success: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” His Word is the foundation of good success and following its instructions is our roadmap to His BEST life for us.

Good success? So is there such thing as bad success? Yes! Proverbs 10:22: The Blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and He adds no sorrow with it. It is possible to be successful in your own efforts but if it causes you to work to exhaustion, if you’re still unhappy, if you had to beg, borrow, and steal to get it, if it keeps you out of church, if it prevents you from spending time with the Lord, if it prevents you from spending time with your spouse and kids, and if it encourages prideful confidence in your self-effort, then it’s NOT good success. Bad success never fulfills. It always leaves a person wanting more, often driving them to ignore their moral compass to get it. Bad-success breeds pride, arrogance, and infamy. It always seems to destroy good relationships and attracts poor ones. In the end, bad success is never worth it. Choose the path of good success as it will always bring honor to God.

Friend, if Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, you have been made the righteousness of God; not by your works but because of Jesus' finished work!  There’s nothing missing, nor anything broken in the salvation of the Lord. By accepting Jesus, you have also accepted a Father who loves you, will never leave you, knows what you need, and will direct you to the incredible life He has prepared just for you. “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths” Proverbs 3:5-6.

What I love about God is his perfect timing and specific instructions regarding life. Most spend more time guessing about their lives than they do seeking God for direction. I was that person, constantly trying to do things in my will power. I ended up worn out, powerless, and defeated. See, God started from the end of our lives, worked His way to beginning, and then said, “In the beginning” (Genesis 1:1). He lived his purpose-filled life to pave the way for YOU, then said,  “It is Finished” (John 19:30)”: I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: My plan will take place, and I will do all My will (Isaiah 49:10).

His directions are much like a roadmap. The “end” has already been declared. This must mean that God already knows every trap, every conflict, and every high and low place. But He also knows the solution to every circumstance because nothing surprises Him. He already traveled the road for you. Are you getting it yet?? ;) How powerful is that? We don’t go to church, pray, and read the Bible to get God to do things for us. Yet we do those things to learn of Him, KNOW Him (not just OF Him) and to gain insight on where the Blessed place is. That’s where we always want to be.  The Blessed place is one filled with surety, peace, provision, and promotion. What others struggle with, the anointing and favor of God makes easy for you.

God knows every intricate detail of our lives. He left NO stone unturned. He knows who He created for us to marry (How many wives did Adam have to choose from? Eve was his perfect fit even before creation time), He knows which college we’re supposed to attend to ensure financial aid is covered and to ensure professors give us favor, He knows which local body to place you in (I Corinthians 12:18), He knows what job we’re supposed to have, one that comes with multiple promotions, and the place where your gifts will be used to be a blessing, and the list goes on!

Every great man and woman in the Bible was successful because they were able to say, “And God said.” They heard the specific instructions of God. Consider Abraham, Moses, and Joshua! If they failed, it was only because they disobeyed God and chose to do what they wanted instead. Disobedience leads to failed marriages, poor health, boring jobs, a life of barely making it, headaches, confusion, and exhaustion. Disobedience also causes us to ultimately lose sight of what's important.

Yet our time sitting before our Pastor as they teach us the Word of God and our personal time with Jesus teaches us how to hear from God as well.
Friend, we don’t have to guess at life!! While God’s grace covers our poor decisions, the results of those decisions (guessing) leads to exhaustion and creates too many problems for us! We end up marrying too early, or the wrong person altogether. We end up taking jobs that don’t work out. We end up spending more money on bad investments and ideas only to find ourselves spinning our wheels. But to know our lives have already been laid out for us is a beautiful thing! The question then becomes, will we choose to hear from God to step into those Blessed places?

As believers, our lives no longer belong to us so we must be careful that we don’t fashion ourselves after a world that seeks to serve itself. We believers live a life to serve God and His people. If I decide to be a doctor but God created me to be a school teacher, then I have robbed the earth of the SPECIFIC purpose/function God created me to be. I, in turn, have handicapped my community because I am out of place. This is what selfish desires will do; handicap relationships, communities, etc. Has God given us the free will to choose? Absolutely!! But He’s also presented before us the options, then encourages us to choose the option that will optimize the BEST life He has for us. “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” Deuteronomy 30:19.

One of the most out-of-context scriptures used is “Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Most read this as, “If I take pleasure in the Lord, then He will give me what I want.” Instead, the scripture should read, “If I find satisfaction and great joy in the Lord, seek Him and trust Him in all things, then He will place His desires for my life, in my heart.” His desires lead us to His specific purpose and function for our lives. Friends, it’s not about us. It’s about what God can do through us! While our deeds may be “good”, are they right? Obedience is better than a sacrifice (I Samuel 15:22). Saul thought He was doing a good thing, but in the end, our obedience is what God takes delight in. Hustling, working 5 jobs to make ends meet may be a good thing but is it the right thing? The right thing is to work 1 job, spend time with your spouse, raise your children, plug into a local body, trust God with the 10th of your earning (yes tithes work!), and believe God for the supernatural increase.

Don’t take a job just because the money looks good. Don’t accept a gig just because you think it’ll put you on. STOP GUESSING and learn how to step in the BLESSED place that God has SPECIFICALLY for you! While you’re trying to figure it out, God worked it out 2000 years ago. Your responsibility? To obey His specific instructions. Stop chasing the money, but get into a quiet place, hear from God, and the money will chase you!


Don’t miss God’s incredible life for you by trying to create one of your own. Slow down, rest in the finished works of the Lord, sleep at night and invest your energy in God’s perfect plan for YOUR life. Evaluate each aspect of your life and honestly determine if it’s God’s will or self-effort. Instead of making Him a part of your day, consider making Him your entire day. Resting doesn’t mean inactivity. It means that your work is unto the Lord, by His ordering, and in His grace. He cares for you and wants you to have His BEST for your life.

STOP GUESSING and step into your Blessed placed.

2015: The Year of Visitations, Manifestations, and Demonstrations!

-D. Riggins

I'm Free ...

Vision (Instagram)

Your God-led vision is amazing and it's uniquely designed for you to give to the world! ...don't ever let it die. Patience is the arm that brings your vision to perfection ...no premature births ...stay the course ...learn the lessons ...allow tests to cultivate your gift and character. Above all else ...IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT PEOPLE THINK when their intentions are rooted in envy, evil, and discouragement. When you KNOW what God has promised, nothing will keep you from it! Just because you don't see it today, doesn't mean it won't happen ...we focus on the unseen!! Got a vision? Stay on the wall like Nehemiah and run with it!! ...#eagleshavegreatvision

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Worship (Instagram)

Worship can be extended through everything we do in life. The way we live and "do" are indicative of our confidence in God. God and His Word are one in the same ...to know Him is to know His Word. No Word, no fellowship. Next level is beyond the shouting, hooping, and hollering, quoting popular scriptures, gigging, etc. Do we KNOW Him? The difference between knowing Him and knowing OF Him is fellowship. Worship time!!

I'm Free ...

The Gospel Offense (Instagram)

Just thinking ...the great lengths believers go through so as not to offend someone with the Gospel of Truth. My Pastor told me it's not our responsibility to make a decision for a person but we should at least extend the substance of grace to encourage a healthy choice. Hmm. I use to wonder what the disciples were teaching that warranted decapitations? Was their delivery wrong? or "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?" ...Galatians 4:16. Since this Gospel requires one to deny themselves ...it will naturally create conflict amidst a self-serving society ...it will cause mothers/daughters, family members to become enemies ...because His Word was not sent to bring peace, but to rightly divide His Truth ...to draw a line in the sand ...to establish the highest authority ...to correct ...to discipline ...to train in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action ...II Timothy 3:16. This is why Jesus was/is hated by so many ...because His greatness made self-effort look small and insignificant ...His presence checked egos ...He deflected the glory and attention of the societal superstars. When Jesus became famous and the talk of the town, envy set it ...so He was rejected! 

A person's feedback or approval of our message are not our validation for sharing truth. Many will reject Him ...but many will come to know and love Him! Our validation is in the wisdom of God ...He knows the heart of His creation. IN CHRIST is the key! ...sharing the truth "in love" doesn't translate to "don't offend" or "always use a nice pleasant, non-offensive tone"...nor does telling someone the truth make one judgmental. It simply means that when our motives are pure ...to lead someone to Jesus because we genuinely want to see them prosperous, healthy, and whole vs proving our rightness, God will give us wisdom in our approach and words. The world needs to know the Good News! ...lives are a stake. #unashamed
I'm Free ...

You Are Worth It (Instagram)

I'm Free ...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Working with Difficult People (Instagram)

It's easy to dismiss the unloveable and smile and show kindness to people we "like". But people matter and if we have been afforded the opportunity to be in their presence, we should aspire to be the difference-maker, the missing piece to the puzzle, the peacemaker! When we respond in anger and frustration (🙋), that leads to dissension ...ultimately, the issue isn't them, it's us ...our heart needs a tune-up. There's more than meets the eye! We may not know a person's story or defense mechanisms but ONE kind word could change their lives forever! 

I've learned to seek out the grumpy person at work or the "bad" kid at school to encourage what I want to see ..."please, thank you, you're really good at what you do, you did a great job today," and a SMILE/hi-five go a lonnggg way! ...when we find ourselves digging for gold instead of rocks, then we'll find the true treasure of a person! Let's cultivate God's greatness in people! Lord, help us to hold fast to patience and love! #helpmeJesus #sometimesiwanttogooff #butchangeme #helpmetoseewhatyousee

I'm Free ...

The Evidence Sin has been Forgiven (Instagram)

Sometimes I cry the ugly cry 😭😭😩😩 of joy when I think about where God has brought me from! Myyyy God!! When you see me, you're looking at a miracle! That's why I could neverrrr boast in myself, intelligence, nor accolades! This is why Jesus is all up and through my Instagram ...because He is truly my source. Without Him, I am a hot mess! ...I need Him daily! He reminds me of my present and acts as a shield of faith to protect me against the thoughts of my past. He reminds me that I'm loved, and an heir to His promises. So I'm grounded in this: Jesus is truly my everything!

I'm Free ...

Eyes on Jesus (Instagram)

..nothing surprises God ...He already won the battle against evil ...The key? Staying in the shadow (Psalm 91) of Christ. The law came to increase sin, BUT where sin increased, grace (Jesus) increased much more!! (Romans 5:20 ...be encouraged today! Fight for your marriage, your children, your community and trust God! ...He never fails! I wish they would show the tons of people, young and old, who are giving their lives to The Lord daily! ...the restoration of marriages, the people who have been healed from disease and addictions, the businesses that are booming, etc. GOOD NEWS is everywhere!! Remain hopeful ....

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Reconciliation (Instagram)

My daily performance doesn't make me a Christian ...I'm Christian because I accepted God's love and grace (Jesus)...and He's saving men, women, and children everyday without charging their sin against them. Amen!

I'm Free ...

You are the Key (Instagram)

God's love for YOU is indescribable! but you're the key! Even before Jesus can be the source, you must choose to make Him your source ...which ultimately, points back to ...you ...are ...the key! I know, it's Adam's fault ...He started this phenomenon called, "making excuses". But friends, it's not the white man's fault, nor the black man, the President, nor the Governor. When you hear someone crediting these people for the demise of the community/world, that's someone who's looking for an excuse. It's not the Governor's responsibility to take care of you ("State workers don't get paid"), nor is it the white/black man's fault you're not successful. Jesus came to put an end to "lack", "discrimination" and, "closed doors" so there are no more excuses. 

The reason why these issues are still prevalent is because many choose to serve a god (false god, money, themselves) or don't know the love of this God who provides the benefits of God-like exemption from, these issues! Many are trying to make life work on their own ...so, in their own strength, when things don't work out ..."I can't get a break, the government doesn't take care of me, my skin color or socioeconomic status are preventing me from getting a job, the rich is getting richer and on and on and on" ...Truth is, there is no failure in God ...Jesus came so that ALL may have life and have it more abundantly! In the end, it's about a choice that YOU must make ...if you're in "lack", check your source. Jesus wants to take care of you today ...in all areas (finances, marriage, occupation, health, etc)! Find your resting place in Him and allow Him to order your steps!! ...steps that lead to the place called "Blessed".

I'm Free ...

Jesus, Game Over! (Instagram)

Jesus won, period ...and the advantage of being in Christ? ...we inherit His victory in all facets of life. "I'm a winner!" The daily issue is, however, the battle that goes on between our two ears. Romans 12:2 gives us the solution ...while Jesus saved us, it is our responsibility to renew our minds and begin to think like Christ. Many, if not all, of the personal issues/battles we face in life are because of our thought life, even down to the physical breakdown of the body. How do you see yourself? Struggling, sick, barely making it or prosperous and whole in every area of life? What we see, hear, and speak have a lot to do with it! Sometimes it's worth turning the TV off so you're not consumed by bad news. Sometimes it's worth blocking gossipers and complainers and choosing to speak to people with conversations that flow with life! We win, always!

I'm Free ...

Greatest in Service (Instagram)

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Suggestion, satan's only power of influence (Instagram)

I hate him!! ...because he attempts to rob us of a beautiful life! he suggests we're failures to cause us to quit; he suggests we haven't been forgiven to cause us to fall into sin again; he suggests the grass is greener on the other side to cause one to be unfaithful to their spouse; he suggests all men are dogs so they won't stay committed to one woman; he suggests all women are bitter to prevent us from being open to love; he suggests children are mature enough to handle racy music lyrics and tv shows to cause them to grow up too fast; he suggests it's okay for men to be effeminate and women to be masculine to cause one to reconsider their identity; he suggests that evil is rampant to cause us to fear; he suggests the streets make a boy a man to cause a boy to pursue violence for validation; he suggests kids aren't important to cause men to leave their children; he suggests sickness is a part of life to cause you to accept it; he suggests money is the ultimate goal in life to cause one to chase it. 

All suggestions to produce dysfunction. Let's be clear, ALL of his suggestions are lies! ...and unless we know the Truth, we'll be tricked into considering otherwise. That's what happened to Adam and Eve...they were already like God ...but satan suggested eating the fruit to rob them of their gift. This is why it's vital we KNOW what God thinks of us! satan suggests to entice. Once we bite, that's when he has us. But today, the Believer has the same power and authority over satan that Jesus has. Tell that joka to shut up, get out of your head, house, and life! He will not consume your mind and time because Jesus already disarmed and stripped him of his power and authority ...making a public spectacle of him, and ultimately triumphing over him by the cross. We.always.win!!

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It Only Takes One (Instagram)

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Life, The Great Reward (Instagram)

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words I speak to you are Spirit and Life" (John 6:63). Ironically, what most call life isn't life at all ...it's mere existence. Life isn't exotic vacations, spending sprees (with no money), having an "I don't care attitude" or full bank account, going to college, and elaborate weddings. Again, nothing wrong with enjoying things (I plan to take a vacation soon, I thoroughly enjoyed college, and my bank account is full). 

But, LIFE is when Jesus is the foundation of it ALL! Life is having a full bank account and desiring to freely give to be a blessing to someone else. Life is freedom from what people think, freedom from the past mistakes/hurt and fear of the future. Life is confidence in the finished works of Jesus. Life is restful sleep, every night! Life is contentment ...Life is love, joy, and peace. Life is being debt-free. Life is being easy to forgive. Life is the Word of God! LIFE IS NOTHING MISSING, NOTHING BROKEN! Choose life and have an incredible weekend.

I'm Free ...

Death, The Great Equalizer (Instagram)

Truth is: all the accolades, goodness, busy schedules, clubbing, fancy cars, fly clothes, famous people we know, scriptures we've memorized ...won't matter. 'Nothing wrong with having things to enjoy (because I enjoy the finer things in life too) but none of it will matter in the end; Jesus is our passport. Jesus is the only way, and no man can come to the Father but through Him (John 14:6). When my grandmother died, she left an incredible legacy and inheritance. However, when she stood before God, no one else was there. She didn't take her children, purse, or $50 bill. He didn't ask her how many homes she owned or how many times she went to church. He looked at her, saw Jesus and accepted her in!! Jesus!!! ..salvation is found in no one else. There is no other name under Heaven by which one can be saved (Acts 4:12). Choose life!!

I'm Free ...

Eagles vs Chickens (Instagram)

Can I encourage you today? Sometimes you have to love the chickens (no shade) from a distance because their comfort will stunt your growth. You weren't born to fit in ...you were born to fly! Freedom from PEOPLE is like a cool breeze on a HOT day!!...it's everryyyything! The hesitance to do what God has called you to because you're worried about what your friends, cousins, and church folk are going to say is bondage! ...The fear of people will paralyze you and ones you are afraid to lose will take up the space of those God has sent specifically to you!...to help grow your business, to be your support, and to build you up! 

But you are free to be allll God has called you to be! "But if I fail, what are they going to think? I don't want to them think I've forgotten where I've come from. I want them to like me. What if they don't call me anymore?" You owe no one anything, but to love them. What if you knew you wouldn't fail? That's the beauty of a relationship with Jesus ...when it's God-led, God-ordered, and God-executed, it will NEVER fail! Step out today!! The world needs more extraordinary folk like you. Besides, "they" are going to talk about you anyways, so you might as welllll.... Love y'all!!

I'm Free ...

Contentment (Instagram)

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God-led (Instagram)

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Education vs Wisdom (Instagram)

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Attention to Details (Instagram)

Details matter!! I love sharing with my students the importance of listening and precisely following instructions ...oftentimes, they catch parts of the instructions, miss the details, and end up missing the entire assignment. How many times do we miss incredible opportunities or spiritual tests because we miss the specifics! ...when we are excellent and intentional in ALL that we do, it sets us apart and more importantly, guarantees our success! It's interesting how intricately detailed God was with His instructions to leaders in the Bible! Talk about SPECIFIC!! He didn't leave any stone unturned. This is also vital for our success ...doing things EXACTLY the way God instructed! When it's God-led, God-ordered, and God-executed...IT WON'T FAIL! 

So often we choose to guess or be zealous about OUR plans and end up broke, stressed, and worn out. God's details DON'T MISS. This is why time in His presence is vital for a believer ...the father so he can lead his family, the mother so she's discerning of what's going on with her children, the entrepreneur so he/she makes wise investments/decisions, the HS Senior so he/she knows where to go to college! God doesn't guess and neither should we! Details matter! ...don't be a jack of all trades but a master of none. Find your lane, work that lane. Have an incredible day!!

I'm Free ...

Christian Judging (Instagram)

This is a topic that has caused so much confusion so let's see what God says. Matthew 7:1 instructs us not to judge or we will be judged the same way. Then John 7:24 instructs us to judge righteously. So which is correct? Both! Think about it...we JUDGE people and things everyday!! It's called discernment or evaluating. We judge our children's friends to ensure their relationships are healthy, we judge our future spouses, etc. How do we evaluate? You'll recognize them by their fruit (Matthew 7:16). "Don't judge" should not be the default whenever someone speaks out against sinful activity ..."judge not" was written to warn against judging hypocritically ...judging someone when we are doing the same thing. However John 7:24 exhorts us to judge honestly, not at first glance, but to judge fairly. "It is our Christian responsibility to respectively express to a person if they are sinning or compromising their morals ...this isn't judging hypocritically but rather pointing out truth in hope - with the ultimate goal of bringing repentance and restoration to fellowship. 

We ARE to judge sin but always with the goal of presenting the solution for sin and its consequences, Jesus Christ!" (Got Questions). If we never point out sin (regardless of who it is) how will anyone be challenged unto righteousness? We then become ENABLERS OF SIN and bad behavior in fear of being called "judgmental."But ACCOUNTABILITY makes us better! If a person calls themselves a Christian but profane language always proceeds from their mouth, if I love my brother or sister, I'll share the truth in love ...I'd hope those who care for me will do the same thing. If a female pop star is on screen barely clothed and enticing men to lust and young girls to lower their standards, someone must draw the line! ...and speak truth. Judging righteously" doesn't prove our physical bodies blameless, it proves we are TRUE disciples of CHRIST. Everyone will not want to receive Jesus, the Bible tells us this but their rejection of our loved-based truth should not be our validation. Set the standard ...keep the standard ...and judge righteously with the foundation of love in hopes of winning someone to Christ!

I'm Free ...

What are you Building? (Instagram)

Friends, one day, our investments, prizes, and motives will be tried by fire. Will your work survive? What consumes you? What are you chasing? What has your attention? What are your aspirations? Many build their body of work on hay and stubble (pride, self-effort, entitlement, self-promotion) vs silver, gold, and precious stones (service, kingdom increase, legacy building) ...only to look up one day and realize all of their "hard work" was in vain. The beauty of being in relationship with Jesus is, if we allow, He directs our motives and works. Those who are content in their God-given assignment steadily work as unto The Lord ...not for more money, public recognition, and empty fulfillment. 

We know, when we allow ourselves to stay in obedience to God's plans for our lives, all things work together for good. We also know that He is the one who gives increase and promotions, as EVERY need is met. Diving into God's Word is my life! I can't go a day without hearing and reading it because it sustains me, gives me direction, hope, and reminds me of how much God loves me. 3 years ago, when my sports performance business was booming, I scaled it back significantly so that I could work with kids ...there was a need and I wanted to serve. I took a temporary pay cut, but it allowed me to slowww dowwwn, REST and to hear from God. Today, all of my needs are met! Promotions are coming in and my business has taken off with a fresh perspective! ...and I do it all to bring Him glory! #nothingmissingnothingbroken
I'm Free ...

Greatness (Instagram)

Friends, I love y'all!! ...no more anemic Christian lifestyles!...God has equipped you to be great! I challenge you today!! There's more to life than what the world is investing in...if you are as zealous about pursuing the plan God has for your life as you are about checking Facebook/Instagram to see how many "friends" and likes you have, knowing who broke up with who in Hollywood, getting 10 degrees, becoming an self-centered business person, you'd begin to see the manifestation of an incredible purposed-filled life engineered by a God who loves you. Most believers do their Christian duty of attending church on Sunday but never take the time to dive into God's Word to learn about Him. 

Folk know more Christian/Gospel songs than the revelation of scripture ...'more focused on your life than impacting the community around you. If we challenge the world to righteousness, we are deemed too radical! If we call wickedness, what it clearly is, EVIL, we are called bigots! If we establish and maintain a standard of holiness, we are considered judgmental. I refuse to settle for a mediocre life when I was called to be great! I want everything God has for me...so that I can be a blessing to someone else. Insanity ...doing the same thing and expecting different results! Love y'all....there's more!!! Please get plugged into a local church where you can be fed the truth of God's grace and love for you! Let's gooooo...

I'm Free ...

Excited about Life (Instagram)

I'm fired up because I'm so glad that God is with us, always. For He knows all about us, the good and the bad ...and He remains faithful to love us and lead us through this amazing journey called life. His plans for us are phenomenal and never change ...His BEST for our lives remains the same because of what Jesus has already accomplished. His victory/good success are ours too! 

Today, we pursue Jesus and His righteousness (our right-standing with Him) ...Jesus consciousness breeds an ever refreshing life of hope and beauty. If we fail, have a bad attitude, do poorly on a test, make a bad decision, receive disturbing news, feel frustrated, disappointed, insecure ...Jesus is still our hope and His grace covers us even when we are at our worst! This HOPE empowers us to have a great attitude, feel secure, helps us make good decisions, and live a life that leads others to Jesus. To know His love for us gives us confidence to power through the day ...Let's make each day great! ...not based on our strength (as HIS strength is made perfect in our weakness) and abilities (they are worthless without a Savior) but because of what Jesus has already done!! Yay-ahhhhhh!!!!! Let's goooooo!!!

I'm Free ...

God's Connection (Instagram)

Meeting people where they are takes patience and discernment. Oftentimes we assume things about a person without having a true understanding of where they are. We are more effective when we encourage them out of the space they are in by loving them in the space they are in!! Jesus had a unique way of knowing each person He encountered ...some, He was gentle and kind towards, and others He was quite stern with. 

Nevertheless, every spoken Word came from a place of LOVE and obedience ...He never spoke or did anything unless His Father said or did it. We are effective ministers when we are obedient ministers. Whether broken, prideful, confused, disappointed, frustrated ...when a person knows you truly care, they will swallow a hard truth just as easily as a soft one 😄 #discernment #effectiveministry

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Change!! (Instagram)

I LOVE the fact that God welcomes ALL who desire to learn of Him ...there are NO conditions on Salavation ...only to believe. However, the life altering experience with Jesus requires us, then, to deny ourselves (a tenant of Christianity we often overlook in a world that encourages us to build our platforms and egos for self-glorification). The born-again experience is the perfect exchange of lives ...of an old, dysfunctional life (ours) for a pure and holy one (Jesus'). 

While our lives no longer belong to us, the beauty is our lives now belong to a perfect God who knows all about us and has already planned His perfect will for our lives ...one filled with surety, joy, love, and fulfillment. This new life has standards! Not a set of rules ...but instructions of how to make life work for us!! When we choose to pick up our lives (seek the applause of people, do whatever we want, make our own decisions, etc.) we diminish the amazing life God has for us and more importantly, we hide the light and hope of Jesus in our lives ... the same hope that draws people to Jesus. Friends, there should be a change ...a difference ...to cause people to ask about our God! "What changed you?" 

This is why plugging into a Word-minded local body and spending time in the Word are vital ...to teach us how to stay humble/teachable before a sovereign God. The Word teaches us how to pour into the Spirit vs the flesh ...the Word corrects us and helps us uphold the standard of God's love, holiness, and power. Love y'all. #newcreatures

I'm Free ...

Lessons Learned (Instagram)

Experience is a great teacher!! ...each generation should get better! If "better" isn't what we're seeing, social media, the government, and Beyonce aren't to blame. What are we pouring into our children? Who is their hope/role model? Sometimes we adults base TRUTH from our personal experiences and have the propensity to pass this TRUTH along to our children because "we did it". Children are a DIRECT reflection of what we teach and model. 

I'll use dating, clubbing, drinking, grinding/hustling or anything else that has the potential to distract us and ultimately separate us from God, as examples. My parents ruled the nightclubs as my father was a DJ and mom was a waitress. When they got saved, they presented a better way to live and encouraged me to enjoy life outside of the nightclub because they knew the dangers of it. My dad often tells me that God has ONE man for me! So I never have to go out looking, "trying the field", "just having fun". I've challenged parents when it comes to teenage dating ...it's not innocent fun anymore! Teens have access (smart phones) to allll sorts of things and the only persons your son or daughter should be intimate/close with is you and The Lord. ANY form of intimacy (long talks, exposed secrets, holding hands, sex etc.) that are intended for ONE person become dangerous when that intimacy is shared with multiple people. 

I've seen the life that is drained from a once cheerful girl when her "heart is broken" and it tears me up because they were encouraged to essentially give their heart away. When we know the truth of God's Word, it gives clarity to the true intentions of God for our lives. Protect your child's heart ...help them keep guard over it. I use drinking as another example because now that I know the truth, no one can convince me there's hope at the bottom of shot glass, or beer can. Our hope, peace, joy are in Jesus and this is what we should aspire to direct our children (seed, legacy) towards. While the nightclub may bring temporary excitement, the nightcap usually ends in returning home with the same problems. This is why it's vital we study God's Word to learn of the beautiful plans He has for us. Love y'all!

I'm Free ...

Perspective (Instagram)

Jesus drew all sin, death, sickness, disease, poverty, addictions, pride, and heartache like a magnet!!, conquered these things so that we may draw/attract righteousness, favor, healing, freedom, prosperity, and joy! ...to live an abundant life!! That's the benefit of being born again and submitting our lives to Jesus! He's taken self-effort and performance out of the equation. What, then, does He require of us? BELIEVE ON HIM!! 

When we learn how to think right (on the side of victory) then we learn how to live life from that perspective ...one of victory!! We always win!! This is why we fast, pray, read/hear the Word of God ...not to get God to do something but to rest in the FINISHED work of Jesus! When He said, "It is finished" He meant it! 'So thankful for the opportunity to grow in this understanding ...my faith in Jesus is not based on what I do but is founded in what Jesus did. So I'm learning how to maintain a posture of Thanksgiving and simply receive what's already been made available for me! Per-spec-tive! ...I'm on the winning side...always and forever!

I'm Free ...

Debt vs Investment (Instagram)

Freedom from debt is worth choosing to do away with careless spending. I vow to owe no man anything but to love him ...Romans 13:8. My contentment is in Jesus, not things. When my focus is on Him, I learn to enjoy "things" without remorse or the excessive need to always want "more". 

A budget doesn't make us cheap...it makes us wise because it keeps us intentional, focused, and disciplined. There's nothing wrong with parking the car and staying home during the weekend, and/or finding something to eat at home (instead of random nights on the town or ordering/eating out) for a season of your life. Boredom and discontentment will keep you broke and/or always having to work (for more money) to maintain a particular lifestyle. But The Blessing of The Lord makes one rich, and adds no sorrow ...Proverbs 10:22. God's system for building wealth is masterful and worthwhile. It's worth sacrificing temporal things to enjoy the benefits of your investments. "Live like no one else so later you can live like no one else." Don't pay for Christmas in March. @daveramsey @rachelcruze #nomoredebt

I'm Free ...

The Underdog (Instagram)

 I'm Free ...

Religion vs Relationship (Instagram)

The religious minds were driven to attempt to kill Jesus. Yet religion couldn't save humanity ...we were in need of a Savior. Even in Christianity, religion teaches man to go to church, read the Bible, be kind, do good works, and "pray" in order to reach God and fulfill their Christian duties. The religious mind professes Jesus but their hearts are far from Him. They say "God first" but they do whatever they want, live any lifestyle, and profess to be an apple tree but produce oranges. There is no manifestation/demonstration of the saving grace of Jesus ...which ultimately, is change!...becoming a new creature! This is the person who screams "don't judge" so as not to disrupt their self-absorbed lifestyle and takes pleasure in the Christian comfort zone as a "good person". 

Yet relationship convicts us ...convicts the dysfunction in our lives ...drives us to a place of complete and total surrender of our lives to Jesus in every aspect of it! It challenges us to pass the private tests and win the private battles in our lives. Relationship doesn't make going to church an option but a priority because hearing the Word of God is just that vital. Relationship causes us to be hungry and thirsty for God's Truth ...reading/studying the Word is just as important as eating food and drinking water. Relationship stands on the side of what's right, always ...it doesn't straddle the fence to defend evil just because evil is popular or to avoid controversy. Relationship doesn't boast in perfection of self ...it boasts in the perfection of a Savior. Relationship drives one to share this good news to others, without fear of rejection. Jesus saved my life!!... and just as committed as He was to bear my sins, while I can never repay Him, I want to live a life that brings honor to Him! #surrendered #committed

I'm Free ...

The Difference Maker (Instagram)
