Sunday, March 15, 2015

Jesus, Game Over! (Instagram)

Jesus won, period ...and the advantage of being in Christ? ...we inherit His victory in all facets of life. "I'm a winner!" The daily issue is, however, the battle that goes on between our two ears. Romans 12:2 gives us the solution ...while Jesus saved us, it is our responsibility to renew our minds and begin to think like Christ. Many, if not all, of the personal issues/battles we face in life are because of our thought life, even down to the physical breakdown of the body. How do you see yourself? Struggling, sick, barely making it or prosperous and whole in every area of life? What we see, hear, and speak have a lot to do with it! Sometimes it's worth turning the TV off so you're not consumed by bad news. Sometimes it's worth blocking gossipers and complainers and choosing to speak to people with conversations that flow with life! We win, always!

I'm Free ...

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