Sunday, March 15, 2015

Eagles vs Chickens (Instagram)

Can I encourage you today? Sometimes you have to love the chickens (no shade) from a distance because their comfort will stunt your growth. You weren't born to fit in were born to fly! Freedom from PEOPLE is like a cool breeze on a HOT day!!'s everryyyything! The hesitance to do what God has called you to because you're worried about what your friends, cousins, and church folk are going to say is bondage! ...The fear of people will paralyze you and ones you are afraid to lose will take up the space of those God has sent specifically to you! help grow your business, to be your support, and to build you up! 

But you are free to be allll God has called you to be! "But if I fail, what are they going to think? I don't want to them think I've forgotten where I've come from. I want them to like me. What if they don't call me anymore?" You owe no one anything, but to love them. What if you knew you wouldn't fail? That's the beauty of a relationship with Jesus ...when it's God-led, God-ordered, and God-executed, it will NEVER fail! Step out today!! The world needs more extraordinary folk like you. Besides, "they" are going to talk about you anyways, so you might as welllll.... Love y'all!!

I'm Free ...

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