Sunday, March 15, 2015

Christian Judging (Instagram)

This is a topic that has caused so much confusion so let's see what God says. Matthew 7:1 instructs us not to judge or we will be judged the same way. Then John 7:24 instructs us to judge righteously. So which is correct? Both! Think about it...we JUDGE people and things everyday!! It's called discernment or evaluating. We judge our children's friends to ensure their relationships are healthy, we judge our future spouses, etc. How do we evaluate? You'll recognize them by their fruit (Matthew 7:16). "Don't judge" should not be the default whenever someone speaks out against sinful activity ..."judge not" was written to warn against judging hypocritically ...judging someone when we are doing the same thing. However John 7:24 exhorts us to judge honestly, not at first glance, but to judge fairly. "It is our Christian responsibility to respectively express to a person if they are sinning or compromising their morals ...this isn't judging hypocritically but rather pointing out truth in hope - with the ultimate goal of bringing repentance and restoration to fellowship. 

We ARE to judge sin but always with the goal of presenting the solution for sin and its consequences, Jesus Christ!" (Got Questions). If we never point out sin (regardless of who it is) how will anyone be challenged unto righteousness? We then become ENABLERS OF SIN and bad behavior in fear of being called "judgmental."But ACCOUNTABILITY makes us better! If a person calls themselves a Christian but profane language always proceeds from their mouth, if I love my brother or sister, I'll share the truth in love ...I'd hope those who care for me will do the same thing. If a female pop star is on screen barely clothed and enticing men to lust and young girls to lower their standards, someone must draw the line! ...and speak truth. Judging righteously" doesn't prove our physical bodies blameless, it proves we are TRUE disciples of CHRIST. Everyone will not want to receive Jesus, the Bible tells us this but their rejection of our loved-based truth should not be our validation. Set the standard ...keep the standard ...and judge righteously with the foundation of love in hopes of winning someone to Christ!

I'm Free ...

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