I love y'all so much!! Seriously!! Just wanted to
encourage you this lovely morning ...God is with you, always.
Today, in a
world where God has been cast aside to pursue money, identity,
education, and purpose void of Him, let's choose to make Him the
priority in our lives. Intellect, pride, and self-promotion can often
drive us to rely on our understanding of life. Yet the Bible tells us
that without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). In the end, all of the
daily pursuits, lusts, and cares of this world will mean nothing without
Jesus Christ.
I'm learning daily how to die to who I think I should be,
who I'd like to be, or who I think I am and pursue the heart of God to
be who He wants me to be. My hurt, my past, my disappointments , and
guilt all went away when I chose to completely rest in Jesus. My life is
no longer my own ...The choice to lay down my life and follow Christ
doesn't make me righteous; yet me accepting His love and recognizing the
work He did on cross makes me righteous.
What are you pursuing today?
When we really know how much God loves us, that's what gives us the hope
to allow Him to love us and be in relationship with Him. Void of God,
life is a struggle and we often look to money, people, food, lust, pride
in our intelligence, and identity in our success to fill the void. Yet,
Jesus is the only answer. We'll never be able to figure it out on our
Today, choose who you will pursue and keep your eyes on. It's
better to trust in The Lord than put confidence in anyone else (Psalm
118:8). He's my joy, my hope, my love, and perfect peace. Mannnnnn JESUS LOVES YOU ...and He cares. Have.faith.in.God.
Pursuing Truth,
“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”