Thursday, May 1, 2014

Grace Personified

There is a beautiful picture of Jesus hidden in the Old Testament. God knew it was impossible for the children of Israel to keep the law so they were permitted to bring a sheep without blemish, wrinkle, or spot to the priest. If the sheep was indeed perfect, the sinner would lay hands on the sheep as an act of transferring sins to the innocent sheep. At the same time the innocence of the perfection of the sheep would be transferred to the person. The sheep is killed and the person at liberty walks away with cleared conscious and sin-debt free.

The person of Jesus is a picture of the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Often our thought life or actions condemn us in the flesh. But thanks be unto God that our flesh is not our identity ...Jesus is! The 8th chapter of Romans starts with "no condemnation" and ends with "nothing shall separate me from the love of Christ!! This love is what draws us closer, causes us to flee sin and fall totally in love with Him. Condemnation causes us to be sin-conscious (law) and strengthens sin.

When we start our day by occupying our minds with Jesus, becoming Jesus-conscious, every struggle, fear, and bondage that we are entangled with will lose its evil grasp on us!! This is the hope of II Corinthians 10:5 ...bringing into captivity the obedience of Christ. What is His obedience? Romans 5:19 ...His obedience on the cross has made us righteous!! with a new identity in Jesus! The priest in the Old Testament represents God ...He doesn't examine us ...He examines Jesus! What a beautiful picture of God's abundant and lavish grace.

If God isn't examining us today, why do we still struggle in self-occupation relentlessly examining our own thoughts, emotions, failures, and shortcomings? No more self-introspection!! Let's look to Jesus. His innocence is our innocence. His perfection is my perfection. His righteousness is my righteousness. Occupied with Jesus and transformed from the inside out! I love y'all!! #freedom

Pursuing Truth,

 “Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”

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