Restoring THE BLESSING: Galatians 3:8 ..."And the scripture forseeing that God would justify the Gentiles in consequence of faith, proclaimed the Gospel (fortelling the glad tidings of the Savior long beforehand) to Abraham in the promise, saying, in you shall the nations be blessed".
The Gospel is complete: It not only recognizes the purpose of Jesus to redeem us from sin but also recognizes the perfect plan of restoration of the THE BLESSING God intended for His creation. If He called Abraham the "heir of the world", what does that make us as believers who are Abraham's seed, according to the promise? Furthermore, what is our angle of identity and how are we thinking? God's original plan for us points back to the promise He spoke in the beginning..(Genesis 1:28).
How then do we see ourselves? As a sinner saved by grace or as a redeemed HEIR? Sin-consciousness gives power to sin ...Christ-consciousness glorifies Jesus and gives us authority to overcome sin. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, God's response ("Where are you?") was Jesus-consciousness ...the redemptive plan was already in place and set in motion. That's the message that must be preached ...a message of hope/life/excitement that will direct people to the person of Jesus. This takes the pressure off in all circumstances need to carry His cross ...His dying for our sins is the means to an end ...and the end is the promise spoken to Adam (Genesis 1:28) Noah (Genesis 9:1), Abraham (Genesis 12:2) ...restoration of THE BLESSING (God empowers us to be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion: Genesis 1:28) ...The completed work!!!
Now, is there ANYTHING too hard for God? My two bits on
#freedom #authority #power #joy #love #peace
#self control #patience #gentleness #goodfruit

Pursuing Truth,
“Everything that I am, is because of Jesus Christ. All that I ever do, I do it only to bring Him glory.”
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