Monday, November 24, 2014

Investments (Instagram)

Have you made Jesus Christ Lord? Your title won't matter, how many friends you have on Facebook, how many likes you have on Instagram, how much money you make, how many degrees you have, how much you tithe, how often you sing in the choir, how many houses/boats/cars you own, how good your children are in sports, how much liquor you can consume, how good weed makes you feel, how fly your club outfit looks, how perfect your marriage looks ...NOTHING else will matter! Your passport to everlasting life? Jesus Christ. The idea of everlasting life WITHOUT Christ is a fairy tale to some and life now without Jesus Christ is viewed as optional big deal. Sadly, many Christians, those who have experienced new life in Jesus are so consumed with their lives, they don't have time to share Jesus with someone who is lost and dying. Friends, what are you investing in? Salvation cost Jesus His life, but He considered it well worth His life to freely give you an opportunity to truly live!!! Choose life today!!

Pursuing Truth, D.

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