Monday, November 24, 2014

New Creature (Instagram)

Jesus Christ has made me new ...I have a new nature so my identity is not one of a sinner (one who is not redeemed) ...but by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord, I have taken on the identity of my Savior. Furthermore, now, there needs to be a demonstration of this new life: Joy is times of sorrow, peace in times of lack, a sincere smile, and a heart to serve ...versus cussing, complaining, living in fear, and/or making excuses. Time out for the OLD THINGS and making excuses for sin a believer it should be uncomfortable to sin. Do we miss it at times? sure! But we don't practice sin ...we learn to overcome sin as we grow in the Word of God. Christians should be demonstrating power!! ...changing the negative culture of this generation on our jobs, in the schools, etc. Clubbing, being/speaking reckless doesn't demonstrate the power of God in your life ...yet the evidence of CHANGE draws people to your God. There must be a difference between the profane and the holy. Believers should never apologize for their past nor use it as an excuse not to share the truth. We are ambassadors of Christ, mandated to share the love of Jesus and His redemptive work on the cross. There is a standard to this ...and it's the perfected holiness of Jesus!! If we present Jesus and allow the Word of God to teach us how to be like Him, the proof will be in our family, neighbor, co-worker, etc. wanting to know more about this incredible life!! Christianity is set-apart ...what are you demonstrating?

Pursuing Truth, D.

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