Monday, November 24, 2014

People Bondage (Instagram)

Dad taught me early ...the old saying, "what people think about you is none of your business" is true. If you think rocking pink boots with orange sweats and a button down is fly, wear it!! That doesn't match and you may not get hired but that's your decision ...It's your style, so rock it!! lol!! đŸ˜„There's a difference between desiring to make people, who matter, proud of you and wanting/needing their affirmations well, sometimes being the peace maker and talking things through with someone who incorrectly perceived what you did or said is necessary. I believe those relationships and conflicts are vital for human development ...and even in that, ultimately our validation has to come from God! But when God has called you to do something and be who He created you to be, worrying about how you look or sound to someone who didn't die for you is bondage ...don't go broke trying to impress and maintain a reputation and certainly don't lose who you are to gain someone's validation. We can't stop people from talking so we might as well live life FREE of other's opinions. I'm actually surprised when I hear someone has an issue with me or doesn't like me, because that's never my focus ...I'm not aware of what others think of me ...I have an idea perhaps, but I don't care. Haters??? I want to meet them!! ...and demonstrate the love of Jesus, not PROVE THEM WRONG or show them how "I made it". I live to honor God. #truestory #befree

Pursuing Truth, D.

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