Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Authority protects (Instagram)

Authority is designed to protect us. If I get pulled over for not wearing my seat belt and receive a ticket, will my argument, "I think we should have the right to choose seat belts or not" hold up in the court of law? Or what if I choose to jump off of a cliff because I don't agree with the law of gravity? Will I begin to fly? Likely not. Why? Because the law has already been established ...it's the final authority!

Likewise, opinions about basic Biblical principles that have already been established by God (the only god who takes full responsibility for creating the Heavens and the Earth ..Genesis 1:1). Our personal pinions about matters of sex, marriage, homosexuality, politics, raising children, etc. really hold no value in the grand scheme of things. While they make for great conversations (and arguments) in the end, what's the Final authority? ..what's right?

I submit, the Bible. Its book of rules, laws, instructions or whatever we call them are designed to protect us. He loves us enough to design sex within the context of marriage between male and female to protect us from soul ties, STD's, children out of wedlock, abortions, etc. Homosexuality/Lesbianism? ..God opposes because He created male and female and loves us enough to protect us from the dangers of this perverted relationship. Money ...He loves us enough to warn us that the love of it is the root of all evil. These are just a few examples and while God loves us, He can't go against His Word. So, the Bible isn't a book of cant dos ...it's a book of love, instruction, and protection to show God's BEST way for living. "we all make mistakes" ..yes!! ...I do! And I'm thankful for God's grace and mercy. But we should be on a daily conquest to find out God's BEST way of doing things.

Just as it is foolish for me to deny a natural law that protects me, so is it foolish to deny God's Truth. I love yall and God cares. Please don't allow society to trap you into the belief that "it's my life, I can do what I want". While you are free to do what you want, you don't determine the consequences. Set before you are life or death ...choose LIFE because God loves you just that much!

Pursuing Truth, D.

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