Monday, October 13, 2014

Youth Leaders ...(Instragram)

YOUTH LEADERS, pleassseeee, I beg of you careful in using the world to make your message relevant. The very worlds that we should be trying to rescue our youth from is the same world that we can expose them to!!

Mixing the holy with the profane voids God's Word and makes it of no effect. We don't need Beyonce, Young Thug, nor Smurda (I think that's his name) to make our message powerful, relevant, and influential ...that's not creativity ...that's leaning on our own understanding.

We should be trying to win these artists to Jesus ...not enabling them nor endorsing them. When we use the profane (in any form), we also welcome the spirit behind it.

If you ask the kids, they'll tell, they want truth!! ...and they want it in it's purest form! ...Because they know the only thing that has the power to help them deal with divorce, molestation, insecurity, etc. is something that is all.the.way.real...not something bottled up in profane lyrics and sayings. That method may lead to fruit, but not fruit that remains!!!

With the vile and evil things they are exposed to on a daily basis, we can't afford to expose them any long. God has called us to be different, set apart and its our responsibility to pull them out of the darkness and expose them to the light!!

Since when do we get our cues from an evil, God-rejecting world? Ask God for His words of hope to feed our kids ...not what you think will get their attention. While its our responsibility to help them guard their hearts, wallow Jesus to CAPTURE THEIR HEARTS!!

When an 8 year old freely walks up to give his life The Lord, or is eager to go to Bible Study, I know THE WORD WORKS. WE DON"T NEED TO REVAMP THE GOSPEL!! #stayintheBible #adultshavetobemoreresposnbile #dontexposethemtotheprofane #exposethemtopurefiathinJesus

Pursuing Truth, D.

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