Monday, November 24, 2014

Church Musicians and Singers (Instagram)

Our musical gifts don't exempt us from studying God's Word, laying out before Him, and living a life in private that is worthy of what we sing about publicly. The local body is not a curse is a blessing and I wish to stay committed to my local body forever. If God never leads me to sing outside of my church, I will be satisfied. Because my blessing is not in how many gigs I have, it's in my obedience. If/when God exalts you, you'll always be tried by fire, first, to ensure you withstand the trappings of the world ...this is His love towards you. The trap is called Luciferianism ...the desire for fame, power, and recognition. This demonic work, PRIDE, seeks to gain popularity at any cost and must maintain fame to continue to satisfy the flesh. In the end, there's always a fall. The scripture reminded us of it: 2 Timothy 3:2 ...Men will become lovers of themselves. We honor God, not ourselves. May we always aspire to seek His validation and use our gifts to bring Him glory!!!

Pursuing Truth, D.

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