Monday, November 24, 2014

God Never Misses (Instagram)

God never fails, ever! If we fail in an area (business, friendship, career, marriage, money, etc.), it's not because God missed it ...we did! While He will use our failure to teach us, convict us, humble us, and strengthen our faith, ultimately His way always works. Every successful man and woman in the Bible were able to say, "and God said". How many times do we start business ventures without hearing from God? Then when it fails, we blame God or try something different? Or marry a joker without consulting God? Or blow through money without asking God how to invest it? "God will give you the desires of your heart" is the ONLY part that makes us feel good because it feeds on the innately selfish tendencies of mankind. Read alone, the scripture can be taken out of the context. In context, the scripture before and after paints a clearly picture ...Trust in The Lord and Delight yourself in The Lord precede and Commit your way to The Lord follows. God doesn't just give us what we want because we think we deserve it!! He requires us to Trust Him, Delight in Him, and Commit to Him ...that's His way of getting things to us. When we do that, He will reveal HIS plans for our lives, and our trusting, delighting, and committing will manifest the desires HE's placed inside of us. It's NEVER our way, but His way that remains perfect.

Pursuing Truth, D.

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